Energy efficient

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How architects, contractors and property developers can help make South Africa more energy efficient.

With energy consumption being such a major issue in South Africa, we are forced to think of ways we can conserve energy.

The first step to conserving energy is to look inside properties and determine which appliances have high electricity consumption and then to think of alternatives for that appliance. In the average property, a geyser is one of the highest energy consumers. A total of 43% of electricity in an average household gets consumed by a geyser.

An exceptionally energy efficient alternative to a geyser would be an instant water heater. This is because a geyser consumes electricity throughout the day by constantly heating water (even when it is not being used) whereas an instant water heater only uses electricity when required.

An instant water is not only more energy efficient but it is also takes up less floor space than a geyser. The geyser’s storage of water requires lots of space. An instant water eliminates the need to take up space because the water would get heated directly from the pipe. An instant water heater also has no chance of bursting and no chance of heat being lost.

By choosing appliances that save electricity we can contribute in making South Africa more energy efficient.

To find out more about instant water heaters contact us here:

Stiebel Eltron Cape

Tel.: 021 884 4004

Cel.: 082 665 3616